
Help us reduce the use of single use plastic

Sk*pcare 101

  • by sk*p
  • 2 min read

Single use plastic is exactly what it sounds like: plastic that can only be used once. Most of it goes straight to the landfill after you drink that one bottle of water, eat that one takeout meal, or use up that one shampoo—and it stays there forever.

We developed sk*p with a mission to stop the beauty industry’s dependence on plastic. We created a new type of packaging called the BeautyCartonTM, which is made (with no harmful BPA or VOCs, btw) out of wood pulp from sustainably-managed forests and—you guessed it—fully recyclable.

The impact of single use plastic spans far and wide, and it takes a real toll on us and our fellow living things. It may seem like, by separating your garbage, you are sending your plastic off to a new beginning—but the truth is, only 2% of plastic waste ever created is recycled in an impactful way (source: Greenpeace).

And plastic that *doesn’t* end up in landfills can instead end up everywhere else, hurting our plant and animal habitats. Up to 80% of all living creatures inhabit the ocean and unfortunately nearly 80 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year. According to the World Wildlife Federation, a dump truck’s worth of plastics head for our oceans every minute. This is bad for all ocean life, especially sea turtles: heartbreakingly, it’s estimated that 52% of the world’s turtles have eaten plastic waste.

What’s more, it takes a lot of energy to make the plastic in the first place (the fossil fuel industry also produces plastic, so maybe they don’t mind!), and that energy pollutes our environment.

Nearly 80 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year.

What’s more, it takes a lot of energy to make the plastic in the first place (the fossil fuel industry also produces plastic, so maybe they don’t mind!), and that energy pollutes our environment.

It’s overwhelming to think about how much we depend on plastic, isn’t it? But the good news is, people are understanding this is a crisis and together we can try and solve it. Or should we say, sk*p to it? 

The first thing you can do is be part of the solution and use less single-use plastic in your own life—and encourage everyone you know to do the same. Join us on our mission to simply be kind to the planet.

Go On, Be a Good Earthing!

Other things you can do to simply be kind to the planet:

Do a “plastic audit” in your own life. The Jane Goodall Institute explains how to do it.

Participate in local clean-ups and learn more about what is happening nationally at the Plastic Pollution Coalition.

Support political initiatives, like the U.S. Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021 and the WWF’s anti-plastic petition.

Follow leaders and activists in climate change (and their organizations) like Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, Xiye Bastida, Sarah Goody and Hannah Testa

Register with our pals at EarthDay.Org.
